Photography With Personality For Your Website

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Websites utilizing photographs that infuse their brand personality are guaranteed to perform better. A common mistake I see with business websites is their reliance on stock imagery. Setting yourself apart with more personalized photos can give potential customers a true reflection of your brand, bringing unique visual appeal.


  • Banners Are Your Friend

Full width photos wow an audience! Whether you are checking out a website from your phone or on a desktop computer, bigger is better with website photography. Make the visit to your site and experience where people want to explore and learn more. 

  • Prioritize Mood, Space, and Products

There are many kinds of photos that could be taken for a business website, but the most important are those that showcase your overall aesthetic. If you have a beautiful commercial space, show it off! If you have gorgeous packaging for your products, make sure to highlight that. I believe these are more important than corporate looking headshots or stale office photos.

  • Equal Parts Positive and Negative Space 

Utilize big, bold photographs to make visual statements, and then follow it up with organized, impactful, and well-written content below. Keep simple, solid backgrounds for content so your viewers can easily read your descriptions without distraction. Allow the photographs to tell the story, and keep the content clear and simple.   

  • Hire A Professional Photographer

Images are underrated in their impact. Cell phone photos cannot give you the sensuality and ambiance that a trained photographer aka lighting artist can bring you. You are much more likely to get the images you want with a director who is skilled at executing the look you wish to achieve. 


Ready to visually transform your brand?



Nicole Capobianco